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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy Relates To Information Collected On AiLoop Technologies Websites Accessed Through The Url (Collectively, The “site”).

Our Commitment to Privacy

AiLoop Technologies (AiLoop Technologies,” “we,” or “us”) respects the privacy of your information. We explain our online information practices as a demonstration of our commitment to protecting your data privacy. We do not sell or rent personally-identifying information collected during your use of our site without your permission.

The Information We Collect

At the time you register on our site, we collect and store your name, address, email address, phone number and other personally-identifying information. If you opt-in to receive a newsletter you give us your permission to use your personally-identifying information to provide the information, product, or service that you requested.

In addition, we automatically gather general statistical information about our site and visitors, such as IP addresses, browsers, pages viewed, number of visitors, services used, content submitted, etc. We need this information to improve the content and functionality of our site. We use this information to customize your experience using our site.


We use cookies to store and sometimes track information about you. Some features of our site may be available only through a cookie. A cookie is a small amount of data sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Generally, we use cookies to remind us who you are and enable us to access your account information, so you do not have to re-enter it; gather statistical information about usage by registered or unregistered users, research visiting patterns, and help target advertisements and product offerings based on user interests, and track progress and participation in the site’s content.

By your preferences, you can accept all cookies, or you can reject all cookies. If you do so and cookies are disabled, you may be required to re-enter your information more often, and certain features of our site may be unavailable.

The Way We Use Information

We use your personally-identifying information to provide information, products, and services that you have requested, improve our marketing and promotional efforts, statistically analyze site usage, improve our content and product offerings, and customize our site’s content, layout, and services.

We may use your information to deliver information to you that, in some cases, is targeted to your interests, such as targeted banners, new services promotions, new product offerings and communications relevant to your use of the site.


We employ reasonable and current security methods to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information. You should note that in using the AiLoop Technologies site, your information will travel through third-party infrastructures which are not under our control.

Update, Correct, or Delete Your Information

You can direct contact to AiLoop Technologies to edit, correct, or erase your personally-identifying information at any time. To request such account maintenance, send your email request to We will change your information in our databases after receiving the necessary information to process your request.

Third-Party Practices

The Privacy Policy of an advertiser or promotional service appearing on our site may differ from ours, and we encourage you to read that policy before responding to the offer.

Changes to AiLoop Technologies Policy

We reserve the right to change Privacy Policy from time to time at our sole discretion. Any changes shall enter into force upon being published on our Website. You are cautioned to review our Privacy Policy periodically. We may notify you of these changes if we have your email address. We will secure the collected information before changes to the previous Privacy Policy.